Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sound Unit Pre-production

Logline:A guy finds a picture of a girl holding up a peace sign.  He can't put the picture down and gets hit by a car. The picture now shows the girl holding up 3 fingers.

a guy is walking on the street. he sees a picture on the ground of a pretty girl. he picks it up and a eerie/romantic sound plays.

he keeps walking but can't stop looking at the picture. the sound plays again. he steps on a rake and hits himself in the forehead.

he rubs his face but keeps walking. he turns into his house and walks into the kitchen.

the sound plays again and he slips on the wet floor. he falls and brings dishes crashing down on him. he has a hard time getting up but is able to make it up to his room and fall down to his bed.

the scene fades out and back in with him sitting on his windowsill, looking at the picture. he is mesmerized by the picture. he begins to fall asleep.

he falls out the window and hits the ground. we see him bleed out from his head. the picture floats down to the ground. the girl is now holding up 3 fingers. the sound plays again. the camera slowly pans up from the picture to reveal another guy finding the picture. there will be parallels between how the first guy finds the picture and how the second guy finds the picture.


how the treatment meets the requirements:


Sound Design plays an important role in the development of character, setting and conflict.(Explain How)
the sound charcterizes the picture as enchanting. there will also be foley sounds and loud sounds to act as the jarring occurances where he gets hurt. most sound will be synchronous with some of it being added in as necessary. the nondiegetic sound that playts each time he gets injured develops  the conflict.

Production Elements:

Foley Sound Effects incorporated in film either realistically or expressively.
foley sounds will include the bowls falling, the rake slapping him, door opening, him falling, etc... The foley sounds will be realistic because the film is going to be as realist as possible, with the exception of the ending.

Rhythmic match at some point in the film's edit

Sound Bridge as a scene transition
there will be a sound bridge when he goes to sleep and wakes up. probably birds or something

Sound Montage or Leitmotif tied to character
the eerie/romantic sound tied to the  picture and misfortune