Thursday, February 17, 2011

Final Project Film Idea

group members: Anthony Blasko, Alejandro Curiel, Ashley Rich, Gino Santoro
Log-line: a guy meets a girl by chance and they quickly cancel their plans to spend time with each other.

guy is sitting on a bench on a pier, with his morning coffee, laptop bag next to him.

a girl walks past him also with her morning coffee and settles in looking over the rail.

he sees her and thinks for a second. he then gets up and goes next to her.

she sizes him up really quickly. he takes out a pen and a piece of paper and writes something on it. he passes the note to her across the rail.

she sees it and looks at him briefly before opening the note. she then reaches into her bag and takes out a pen.

she writes something on the note and hands it back to him. he picks it up then reads it and smiles.

he writes something on it and when he looks to put it on the rail, he doesnt see her. she is gone

he quickly looks around and can’t seem to find her. he sits back down on the bench with his head held low.

short time lapse shows that he has finished his coffee. he gets up to throw it away and when he looks back at the spot where he met her, there is a note held down by a rock.

he looks around first to see if anyone is there. he places his coffee cup on top of the trash can and then he walks to the note and reads it.

he then quickly turns around to see her standing there, holding a notebook in her hand. she opens it up to show him a planner with a day completely crossed out. we understand that its today.

the guy goes over to his bad and takes out his day planner. she walks over to the trash can, drinking the last of her coffee. she also puts her cup on the trash can. we see him crosse someting out. we understand it to be his schedule for the day.

when he looks up again, she is gone. but this time he looks around and she is simply standing near the end of the pier, waiting for him.

he hurriedly places the planner back in his bag and runs to catch up with her.

we get a final shot of their two coffee cups as he catches up with her in the background. they are blurred out and the coffee cups are the last shot. the designs on the coffee cups form a heart between them.

Genre influences:

i dont exactly know what genre this is, but it definitely has the feel of a romantic playfulness scene. for this, the characters are going to be flirtatious and spontaneous.

the setting is also rather romantic because it is a pier where one might go on a date at night. but by setting it in the morning, there is less of the serious romance implied and it also gives the characters the opportunity to have the entire day for themselves once they decide to spend the day together.

the conflict here isn't a big one. trying to preserve the rather light hearted tone in the scene, the conflict is basically just him failing at picking a girl up. we could exaggerate the conflict by stressing somewhat on his disappointment and that he might take it a bit too hard that she disappeared.


a theme that this film develops is definitely “some forms of happiness require spontaneity”

if he wouldn't have been spontaneous, he wouldn't have gotten the girl. if she wouldn't have been spontaneous, she wouldn't have the great time she is about to have.


one influence we found was the short film “Victim” by Christian Ramos on Vimeo. this film influenced the whole pier-date idea and how the two characters at one point were standing next to each other, but facing away from each other. "VICTIM" film

i also drew some inspiration from the music video of “our kind of love” by lady antebellum. this influenced me in wanting to keep the whole thing light hearted. the video never gets serious about the relationship and there is never drama. the whole thing is fun and spontaneous and flirty. they're just having a good time. i wanted this film to be like that as well.