Thursday, November 18, 2010

Documentary Pre-Production


Purpose: To show the struggles of a man dedicated to a goal in the face of overwhelming odds.

Contacts: The subject, his recruiter, his friends, family, support in general

Interview Questions:
What was your initial situation?
What challenges did you or are you facing?
Explain what you do to overcome these challenges.
What is the motivating force behind what you do?
How has your life changed since you became dedicated?

General Flow:
The film is going to start with some b-roll of him working out. He will explain his situation to the audience and introduce the challenge he has.
In the middle, we will have him tell us about how is life is like now that he had to change. He will tell us about what he does to improve and how he will attain his goal.
The end will be an update on his situation, what is looks like in the present. Then he will end with an inspirational viewpoint on what he expects will happen and if he will succeed.

There is no script yet because there is no b-roll and no interviews yet. The entirety of the script will be created upon acquiring the interviews and the b-roll. The story will be created in the edit. For an idea of what the script will be like, look at the general flow.

Shot List-
- BS of interviewees
- CU of working out
- MS of him going about daily life
- WEV of workout
- Handheld shots following him ie. Documentary style
- Other creative shots once we get an interview

His name is John Reyes. He has two goals. Lose the weight, and become a Marine.

Closing: --no closer. Film will end on an inspirational note form the interview.--


  1. I think you should also include shots of the training area, so as to give the audience a perspective as to what his environment is. I like how you structure your documentary, especially the lighthearted note at the end. I think you can incorporate some pretty awesome music into this documentary. I'm thinkin hearing the sergeant's yell, that'd be intense.

  2. I like the 'shoot as you go' style you seem to be doing. I think the final product will really give the feel of realism. Since every shot isnt planned out. Great topic too, two different goals for one person, I think itll create a great story/documentary.

  3. I think that your topic is very well put together! You are focusing on one man and his goal to become a better persona and to join the marines. I don't think a lot of people know what it is like to go through training and be in the marines unless you are already in it. If you capture good B-roll you will have a very good documentary. I think that the final product will come out amazing if you follow your plan. I like how you address two goals that create one big overall goal for him. I believe that your documentary is going to go in the right direction. Your topic is very good and I think it will create a great story to tell to other! Keep it up!

  4. This is a good idea. It will be very interesting. To make B-Roll more interesting I think you should have him talk about his workout routine and the different equipment and while he is talking about the different equipment show the equipment. Also maybe have him demonstrate a certain workout exercise he does to engage the audience. Other than that great job.

  5. I like this idea. What i think will make it even better would be if you focus on his motives. So that we get an idea as to what were his reasons for him accomplishing his goal. Besides that i think you are ready to go.

  6. I like your idea, and the intro and closer are awesome. I like how you're capturing something that is so real, and related to you (Because you wanted to go the army right? Or something?). I think you should get him doing his routine for b-roll, and some footage of his family and friends too, on a regular day :]

  7. very powerful.. it will be quite interesting how the mood changes throughout the documnetary from general information to his emotions being felt by the audience, good luck
