Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Plots that Kill

A plot line I would like to take the time to look at is the Moral Plot.

This plot line is used by the movie Chinatown. In Chinatown, there is a morality tale that is being played out concerning corruption and its fluctuating presence in society. This film noir implements this plot line to conform to its genre conventions of social criticism. It also places emphasis on the main character's moral dilemma, not only being a PI, but having a bad reputation as a PI without the power of the police to stop evil.

When it comes to a story of my own, I was thinking about using a story that follows the tale of the cycle of violence and how to break it. A kid is picked on during his childhood and as soon as he becomes stronger during high-school, he decides to turn his new strength on the bullies, helping out other kids who are picked on, yet going overboard and almost killing them. This story will deal with the theme of the cycle of violence and I don't know if it will be a unique take on the plot, but it should be interesting. I'm going to try to focus profoundly on his inner turmoil and I haven’t decided yet whether or not to try to connect it to society as a whole, depending on how much time I have.

I definitely envision a high schooler, probably a big guy acting, with a little skinny kid acting as his younger self. I see the character as male because seeing a woman in this role will probably be a turnoff, seeing as violent women are generally discomforting to watch, especially if it looks like they have an anger problem.

I'd say my character is definitely dealing with trying to find a balance in his life. All in one moment, he is conflicted with taking the path of vengeance or the higher road. I want to try to capitalize on that emotion.

I still haven’t decided yet whether he will come out virtuous or not, but if he does, it will be saying that the cycle of violence can be broken and that people can learn to live with one another.

For now, the details of my plot are a little sketchy, but I do want to make my plot unique in some way that will have a twist at the end, and leave the audience with a feeling of emotional closeness, being saddened by my film's end.

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